On Thursday, November 25, CAL Parma together with Emilia Romagna Markets BUSINESS NETWORK organized at the farm of Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium President Nicola Bertinelli in Noceto (in the foothills of Parma) the workshop "A Bridge to the East," the first stage of the project "Know, Share, Grow: Agrifood Centers of Emilia-Romagna at Expo Dubai January 9-15, 2022," an afternoon of work in which sector operators (logisticians, shippers), the management of the four agrifood centers of Emilia-Romagna (Parma, Bologna, Cesena, Rimini), wholesalers and market technicians met. All with a view to future exports of fruit and vegetables to the Middle East. The works, moderated by Prof. Luca Lanini, were held in the afternoon, with a round table that brought out critical issues and opportunities that the opening of a trade route to that area entails. Among the speakers (of absolute prestige and competence) the discussion was heated and fruitful, particularly useful in view of the upcoming first trip to Expo Dubai. Among the speeches, enlightening as always was that of AREFLH President Dr. Simona Caselli. The workshop was well attended by representatives of the "Women of Fruit and Vegetables," who are professionally present in the agri-food chain in roles of primary importance. The work was followed by a convivial dinner of gastronomic excellence from the Parma area.